Thursday, June 20, 2019

Is Marijuana More Addicting than Opioids?

Opioids are compounds resembling opium and have addictive properties and physiological effects. They come under the category of illicit drugs.

Sativa marijuana plants are one of the most popular strains for smokers.
Marijuana on the other hand is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried flowers of Cannabis sativa; the psychoactive substance present in marijuana is the high THC content, a chemical that is produced in the bud and/or the leaf of the female cannabis plant. While other chemical compounds exist, THC and CBD are regarded as the main substance causing intoxication or mind altering. Marijuana is also addictive and today a drug of illegal consumption.

Marijuana and Opioids are both addictive in nature.
Marijuana use in the long run, makes the person incapable of being functional making him/her lose interest in any productive activity. If there is heavy use during adolescent years then the development of the brain and IQ is affected. Long term use can lead to increased anxiety and paranoia. Physically long term use can damage the heart. Mentally, marijuana induced psychosis is also known.

Opioids have withdrawals like severe stomach cramps, body ache, seizures, paranoia; Opioid use in the long run can cause intestinal problems, Psychological dependence, cardiac problems, extreme anxiety etc.

It is important to understand, an addiction is an addiction, regardless of the substance being abused. By the time using becomes addictive; it is the substance that controls the individual. If you’re looking for more information regarding substance abuse, recovery options and general information on addiction and its battles, read various blogs written by trained professionals at

We at Anatta, one of the best rehab center in Kolkata , provides drug and alcohol addiction related treatments to peoples who are addicted to drugs and alcohol.


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