Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Do you think addiction is a disease, or just a choice?

Addiction is a disease that requires professional help to resolve. It’s defined as the constant need or compulsion of something (mainly a substance) that provides rewarding stimulus, regardless of the adverse effects it may cause. It is a complex disease, often chronic in nature and impacts the basic functioning of the mind and body.

However many argue that the process of addiction begins with a conscious choice; a choice the individual makes to take the illicit substance. While this may be true, this is bad as blaming the victim. In cases of addiction it’s important to not blame the user; it could cause detrimental effects and hamper any recovery or progress that has been made. Instead it is important to treat the patient with dignity and respect. Compassion and empathy are important characteristics that have to be displayed by the caregiver.

If you or your loved one is undergoing addiction, read more information about the struggles of the codependent, myths about addiction, etc. on Anatta Rehabilitation Center, Kolkata. You can also seek help from specialist in order to start you recovery journey today!

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